Monday, October 10, 2011

The Bible's Representation of the God/Human Relationship

by BlogSpotThinker
October 10, 2011

The Bible appears to suggest that the God/human relationship is fundamentally at the individual level. The Bible appears to show the progression of that relationship over the course of human history, including the apparent, significant role of the nation of Israel.

The Bible appears to show that the God/human relationship began at the intimate, individual level, progressed through to iconically representative persons such as Noah who was allowed to be part of a “fresh start” after humanity had progressed too far into distorted perspective.

The Bible appears to show have called an iconically representative Abraham to father an iconically representative nation when the “fresh start” progressed too far into distorted perspective.

God implemented leaders such as Moses to that iconically representative nation out of the bondage wrought upon them when they progressed too far into distorted perspective.

Priests, then prophets, then doom, then, per the New Testament, Christ, then apostles and the church. Through all this, the Bible appears to suggest that the goal remained individual relationship with God.

The Bible appears to suggest that God has given humanity the clearest of instructions stemming back from the garden of Eden. The Bible appears to suggest that humanity has consistently rejected God’s leadership and directives, perhaps even substituting parts or all with humanity’s own directives. This appears to be the cause of the confusion.

The Bible appears to suggest individual approach to God (James 1:5-8).

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